Измерение объема Помимо цен, столбчатые диаграммы нередко отражают объем торгов, т.е. количество акций, купленных или проданных за определенный период времени, представленный каждым столбиком. На дневной диаграмме объем торгов отражает совокупное количество акций, купленных или проданных в течение соответствующего торгового дня. По соглашению этот объем отображается в виде отдельной столбчатой диаграммы и обычно приводится непосредственно под диаграммой цены акций.
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How to develop a new habit for the week

  1. Seven days is very fast.
  2. The key to training "big" habits
  3. Life examples
  4. Hidden advantages
  5. 18 "useful" habits, which should be abandoned in 2017
  6. What is a "domino effect" and how it can improve your life

Writer Michał Stawicki considers that many habits can be developed in just a week, the main thing is to increase the number of repetitions. That is his method.

Sometimes you can get the result in just three seconds. All you need is to set a goal for yourself and go to it. Nevertheless, it will not be easy. I will not convince you that you can change your life with one click of your fingers. Of course, it is possible, as it is possible to win the lottery. But odds not at all high.

I know a way to break the habit in 7 days

It's simple. The key to success is repetition .

Habits are automatic or semi-automatic behaviors that are triggered by a trigger. So if you want to develop a habit, think up an effective trigger and repeat the actions you need over and over again.

Unfortunately, there are habits for which this method does not work. For example, if you want to start meditating every morning, it is obvious that you cannot repeat the “awakening-meditation” cycle many times a day.

However, for many other habits, this method is suitable, and it will help you get results quickly.

Seven days is very fast.

Do you know how little it is - just seven days to create a habit? The average time to develop a new habit is 66 days, and I would say that it is under very favorable circumstances. Each second will need more than 66 days to do this. So seven days is almost an instant.

The key to training "big" habits

To learn the habit of the week, you need to do a lot of repetitions every day. For this reason, it will be difficult to train “big habits” in this way, for example, reading for half an hour or writing 500 words every day.

However, there is one trick that will help solve the problem. Habits are completely determined by triggers (I simplify, but at least 80%). Therefore, you can train the same habits, but in small doses.

For example, every time you enter a bedroom, take the book and read one paragraph. For a week, such actions can be repeated a huge number of times.

This sequence of actions is imprinted in your brain, and next week you can try to read a whole page instead of a single paragraph (but in this case, go into the bedroom less often or spend more time reading than you did initially).

This sequence of actions is imprinted in your brain, and next week you can try to read a whole page instead of a single paragraph (but in this case, go into the bedroom less often or spend more time reading than you did initially)

Photo: iChzigo / Shutterstock

Life examples

First of all, I used this method to overcome my shyness .

I forced myself to look into the eyes and smile at every person in close proximity to me. I use public by transport therefore, I meet hundreds of people every day. In a short time I was able to work out this technique many times.

Then this strategy helped me improve my physical fitness .

I always consider my life in terms of habits, so when I set myself the goal of losing weight, I began to look for more opportunities to move. I lead a sedentary lifestyle - I work at a computer and spend at least two hours a day in transport - also sitting. I decided to run through every flight of stairs that I would see before me. For the way from home to work I managed to repeat this action ten times a day, and sometimes more.

Hidden advantages

I did not use this method because of its speed. I managed to consolidate these habits because this technique is effective.

It turned out that habits not only develop faster, but also become more natural. Today, I automatically smile to everyone on the street. So my body reacts to the trigger. My legs themselves begin to run when I walk up to the stairs. I no longer think about these habits, I live them.

Adapt the desired habit so that it can be carried out in small portions, but often.

Repeat, again and again. 66 reps per week is about ten per day. If I were you, I would aim for 37 repetitions per day. Scientists found out that daily repetition takes a maximum of 254 days to form a habit.

37 repetitions per day will allow you to achieve your goal with confidence.

A source

Materials on the topic:

18 "useful" habits, which should be abandoned in 2017

10 bad habits, which is better to get rid of

What is a "domino effect" and how it can improve your life

Are you going to start a “new life” from next year? Delete these applications from the smartphone

Cover photo: areebarbar / Shutterstock

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Do you know how little it is - just seven days to create a habit?